7 Cute & Cozy Robes To Shop This Christmas

If there’s one thing the Labels and Lacquer girls are good at— it’s pajama days. It’s great to cuddle up on the couch in your pjs, especially during the holiday season. Because nothing goes together like pajamas and Christmas movies, am I right?
One thing we’re super excited for this Christmas is staying bundled up while we open presents, and the best way to do that is by wearing a fluffy robe. So, plush cover-ups are definitely on our wishlists this year, and just in case you’re interested in getting a nice robe to bundle up in this season, too, we’ve provided a roundup of some of the most snuggly options around.
Take a look at some of the warmest looking robes that the Internet has to offer because dainty little robes are great and all— but what we’re really interested in are the ones that are sure to keep you cozy all winter long.
Get ready to bundle up and sing “Let It Snow” because it just wouldn’t be Christmas without being all wrapped up indoors, you know?
1. Polka Dot Robe Set

Polka Dot Robe Set, $29.90, Forever 21
This adorable robe even comes with matching slippers. I mean, how could you pass this up?
2. Snowball Robe

Snowball Fleece Robe, $59.50, Victoria's Secret
With a hood, ears and pom pom drawstrings this is literally the cutest robe I've ever seen.
3. Soft As A Teddy Bear Robe

Aerie Teddy Robe, $40, Aerie
This robe seems so soft. I don't think I'd ever want to take it off. Just another excuse to wear lounge gear 24/7. #RobeLife
4. Velvety Smooth

You Fancy Velvet Robe, $168, Free People
A robe made out of velvet seems like just the kind of thing I need for the winter season. Adding to the wishlist as we speak!
5. Longline Robe

Plus Size Plush Fleece Robe, $69, Land's End
This longline robe gives plenty of coverage and warmth. And that's just the kind of thing you're going for.
6. Fur Trimmed Robe

Fur Trimmed Robe, $39.99, Target
A fluffy, furry robe is all I need in life.
7. Extra Plush Robe

Plush Robe, $49.95, Victoria's Secret
This oversized robe fits you like a hoodie, and that's perfect for all of your couch sessions, if you ask me.
Here's to not letting your presents be the only things that are all wrapped up this holiday season!
--Labels and Lacquer girls
Images: Courtesy Brands (7)