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9 Healthy Desserts So You Can Have Your Cake & Your New Year's Resolutions, Too

Sticking to those New Year’s resolutions have been easier said than done. It’s easy to let healthy eating habits and exercising fall by the way side, but we’ve found it’s been much easier to keep with it when we’re still able to eat super yummy foods.

You’ve heard it all before. Eating healthy doesn’t have to mean sacrificing taste — we know, we know. But, honestly, it’s so true.

And you don’t have to take our word for it, either. These desserts speak for themselves. The key to keeping within your diet while still getting a sweet treat is to find desserts that are packed full of fruits and veggies (even if it’s secretly). Did you know you could make brownies using avocados? Right?! Another great sign of a healthier dessert is one that’s dairy free. Vegan options really take a ton of the sugar and added calories out of these goodies.

So, check out this round-up of recipes and see if you don’t change the way you eat dessert for the better in 2017. It’s never too late to get back to those resolutions. You’ve still got 11 months to go, after all!

Recipe & Photo Via: JoyFoodSunshine

This recipe calls for chickpeas, peanut butter, honey, almond milk and a few other ingredients. But hey, that doesn't sound half bad, now does it?

Recipe & Photo Via: Tastemade

Freeze dried strawberries and coconut shavings bring this recipe to life. Think of it as a guilt-free candy bar!

Recipe & Photo Via: Vanillacrunnch

Aquafaba is (apparently) the liquid you normally discard when cooking with chickpeas. But, that liquid allows this recipe to come to life. That, along with raw chocolate and coconut nectar. I'd be willing to give this a try for sure. Especially since it looks like the most decadent mousse ever.

Recipe & Photo Via: The Healthy Maven

Avocados, apple sauce, maple syrup and all sorts of ingredients you wouldn't expect from your dessert are loaded into these brownies. Seems pretty healthy to us!

Recipe & Photo Via: How Sweet Eats

Angel food cake is a light dessert, top it with citrus-y icing and you're really in for a treat!

Recipe & Photo Via: Let's Eat Cake

A "cheesecake" that's made up of nuts, fruit and coconut oil sounds like it'll be tasty and good for your diet. Just perfect!

Recipe & Photo Via: Sally's Baking Addiction

Baked pears and crunchy granola? Yes, please.

Recipe & Photo Via: Baked By An Introvert

Greek yogurt and cookie dough protein bars turn a not-so-healthy dessert into one you definitely won't mind eating.

Recipe & Photo Via: Beaming Baker

Trail mix in the form of a cookie sounds pretty amazing right about now.

Grab a spoon and eat up!

Ok, so we aren't always the best at eating healthy desserts because... chocolate. Check out our list of V-Day decadence if your sweet tooth gets the better of you. ADD LINK

Images: Courtesy Blogs (9)

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